Receding Gums Treatments

The most prevalent causes of receding gums and gum disease are self-induced. Either you are negligent in your oral hygiene practices or the 180 opposite, you brush too hard and literally wear away the gums. Gum recession can be the result of aging or medical conditions like diabetes. Finally, gums can recede as the result of smoking, trauma to the mouth or teeth grinding at night. Let’s focus on the primary causes and the treatments used to reverse the gum recession and to stop the advance of gum disease.

The Primary Causes of Gum Disease and Gum Recession

Some studies claim that half of American adults have some level of gum disease, from simple gingivitis to advanced periodontal disease. The number one cause is that of the buildup of plaque on the teeth. If you do not brush twice a day to keep up with the growth of the clear, sticky substance on the teeth the plaque will initially attack the enamel of the teeth resulting in decay and cavities. When neglected even further the plaque will reach the soft tissue and continue down below the gumline. Now the bacteria, sugars and acids in the plaque infect the soft tissue immediately creating an infection. As the tissue swells it will recede from the teeth creating pockets.

The second most common cause of gum recession is again self-inflicted. Now you have swung the needle in the other direction, from neglect to being too aggressive in your brushing habits literally sawing away at the gumline, exposing the roots of the teeth.

The Most Common Treatments of Gum Recession

If plaque is the culprit in your situation the dentist or hygienist will need to perform a deep cleaning procedure. They will numb the soft tissue and using a handheld scaling tool will scrape the plaque from the tooth down to the root. This scaling and root planing process is the only way to remove the source of the infection, the plaque. Once this is completed and some antibiotics are introduced the gums will begin to heal within days. The healthy pink color will return, the swelling will subside and the pockets around the teeth will close up.

If your gum recession is caused by aggressive brushing, you will have an evaluation on your habits to introduce and change some methods. The soft tissue will not grow back, so a dental composite bonding material may need to be applied to exposed roots of the teeth. After shaping and sculpting the composite will protect this sensitive area.

Serious gum recession may need a gum grafting procedure to restore lost gum tissue. This will protect the exposed root and restore a natural look.

The Benefits of Healthy Gums

Your smile can be the most undervalued asset you possess. A healthy smile made up of your teeth, your gums and all other soft tissue, can be the foundation for your personality. Take your at home oral hygiene habits seriously and take good care of your teeth and your gums.

More on Receding Gums : Will Receding Gums Grow Back?