What is the Dental Implant Procedure?

The dental implant surgery procedure is a multiple step procedure to replace a missing tooth. It sounds more complicated than it is. Not so sure if you are ready for a dental implant? Here’s an idea of what the procedure entails and an explanation of the steps to help you prepare.


First of all, the purpose of the dental implant surgery procedure is to replace a missing tooth by implanting a metal screw-like post where the root of the tooth should be. Then once the post is fixed, an artificial tooth, called a crown, can be added on to the post. These two pieces together give the function and look of a real tooth. Dental implants offer a great alternative to dentures or bridgework. The biggest benefit of a dental implant is that the metal post provides a solid support for a new tooth. Once the implant is added, the bone will heal tightly around the implant, just like a real tooth.

How does the surgery work?

The process for dental implant surgery is dependent on the type of implant that your dentist selects and the health of your jawbone. But regardless of these factors, every dental implant surgery occurs in multiple steps and procedures. If your dentist has suggested an implant for you, the best way to get a full idea of how YOUR surgery will work is to have a conversation with him. This will give you a better idea of the steps that are required for you to get YOUR implant.

Why is the surgical procedure done?

In order to replace a missing or diseased tooth, the screw-like dental implant is surgically implanted in your jawbone to serve as the root of the tooth. After a few weeks, the bone in your jawbone will heal and fuse to the implant, and this process will ensure that the implant doesn’t move or shift. This process is what makes the implant so different than the bridges or dentures that are alternative options for missing tooth replacement. The implant is a stable fixed support for a new tooth. Additionally, because the implants are usually made of titanium, the material won’t breakdown or decay over time.

What preparation is required?

There are a few steps required to prepare for the dental implant procedures. Because the implant requires at least one surgery, you will need to meet with your Dentist, schedule a comprehensive exam, and establish a treatment plan that is specific to you and your needs. Part of this plan will be discussing your bone health, any medical conditions you may have, medication use, and what anesthesia will be a good fit for your procedure.


In summary, dental implant surgery is generally an outpatient surgery that is performed in multiple steps:

  • The damaged or old tooth is removed if it is still in your mouth.
  • Your jawbone is then prepared for the implant.
  • The implant is surgically placed in your jaw.
  • The abutment extension is fixed to the implant, and the new artificial crown is installed.

More About Dental Implants : Dental Implants versus Bridges