How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Do you have a missing tooth you’ve been thinking about replacing but don’t know what to except for the cost of an implant? Here’s a quick run-down on what kind of investment to except for an implant, and some guidance on how to cover this cost.

The cost

According to a recent report in the New York Times, the average cost of one dental implant ranges anywhere from $2,000 up to 6,000. Why? Well this cost covers the surgery, the implant itself and additional hardware, and additional possible procedures that may need to take place in order for you to have a successful implant.

Why is the cost not standard?

The cost of implants changes depending on several factors, including the geographic location, the experience and reputation of the dentist, and the specific type of implant involved. The most popular implants used by dentists are from Swedish companies. The Swedes were the first to develop implants and have been shown to be successful in over 90% of their use. It is possible to get generic implants, at a cheaper price, however there is less evidence available on their rate of success. When you are starting to consider an implant, it would be worthwhile to have a discussion with your dentist and see what type of implant they commonly use.


Because most insurance companies consider dental implants to be an elective procedure, they generally don’t cover the full cost of the implants. That does not mean that it is not possible to get insurance coverage, or partial coverage. In fact, insurance policies sometimes will cover the cost of the implant crown. It is worthwhile to do some research and investigate if your insurance will cover any part of the implant costs. Additionally, if the need for the implant is due to a tooth loss by accident or oral disease, the cost of the implant may be partially covered by your health insurance policy.

Discount Plans

One option to help cover the costs of implants is to look into a dental discount plan. These discount plans may cover from 4-50% of the costs of implants. Again, it may be worthwhile to do some research and investigate if there is a discount plan available to you that may help cover the costs of implants.

Work Spending Accounts

Sometimes employers offer flexible spending accounts. In some cases, these accounts may be used to partially cover the costs of elective dental procedures, such as implants. Implant procedures can be broken down in two parts, adding the implant and then adding the crown at a later date. Using your flexible spending account wisely to cover the costs of both parts separately may be possible.

Overall, there are options available to help cover the costs of a dental implant. A reasonable first place to start is to consider having a discussion with your dentist about their estimated costs for YOUR implant and if they have any financing plans available. Once you come up with a plan to cover the costs and you get your procedures scheduled, don’t forget to follow your dentist’s instructions carefully and thoroughly.

More About Dental Implants : What Are Dental Implants?