How Much Does Tooth Extraction Cost?

When you and your dentist determine that the next best step for your overall oral care is to remove your wisdom teeth, you are also looking at an investment in your health. While the ideal situation is to let the molars erupt and find their places in your mouth, most times it is not as easily accomplished. If the teeth are below the jaw bone or there is not enough room in your mouth for the teeth, then not only are you guaranteed pain, but you may also experience infection or even abscesses. The infections and oral irrigations you will need are going to be more complicated and certainly more expensive versus a quick procedure completed by an oral surgeon in less than an hour.

Your wisdom tooth extraction savage minnesota will most likely be completed by an oral surgeon and not a dentist and your oral surgeon has specialized training beyond your dentist to address more complicated extractions and to administer anesthesia to keep you comfortable. The type of the anesthesia will adjust the cost of the procedure and the how difficult the teeth are to remove will also adjust the final cost for the extraction.

When an oral surgeon uses IV sedation or general anesthesia, these are more expensive than the local injections or nitrous oxide a dentist uses. If the teeth are located below the jaw bone or close to a facial nerve, the surgery will require more time and more precise work, thus come with a higher price tag. Some people do not have all four wisdom teeth or need to remove all four so the number of teeth removed will also increase the price.

Most people have their wisdom teeth removed and the younger you are when you have them removed, the easier and faster your recovery will be that if you wait until you’re older. Wisdom tooth extraction is priced per tooth and varies regionally within the United States from $75 to $200. What’s more, dental insurance usually helps cover some or even most of the charges associated with the extraction. Occasionally, depending on the situation, medical insurance may even help cover the costs of the procedure. Speaking with your oral surgeon, determining what type of anesthesia is best for you and making a plan of what each tooth extraction requires, the billing department should be able to help you approximate costs. Even reaching out to your medical and dental insurance companies should allow you to determine what costs to expect. Once you have been armed with these numbers, you should be able to establish what your costs will be and how best to work those within your budget.

Your wisdom teeth extraction may not seem to be a pressing health issue or a mandatory action, but avoiding them too long can lead to more pain and costly issues down the road. The teeth may not erupt through the gum line completely allowing for bacteria to grow and thrive in the dark pockets. Teeth far back in your mouth are harder to properly clean and maintain versus the molars closer to the front of your mouth. Relying on an oral surgeon to remove your wisdom is, indeed, a wise move.

More Information on Tooth Extraction : Wisdom Tooth Extraction Information