Stop Receding Gums from Getting Worse

There are a number of different causes for gum recession. Depending on the source of your gum recession will determine the correct course of action to get the problem to cease. Gum recession can be the result of aging, of family genetics, smoking or a medical condition like diabetes. But the primary two causes are gum disease, which is the byproduct of poor oral hygiene and not brushing enough or properly, and if you do the opposite and brush too aggressively. We will focus on these two causes and the available treatments to stop receding gums.

Why do Gums Recede?

Each of us always have millions of bacteria in our mouths every day. Its just a fact of life. The bacteria are necessary to begin the process of breaking down our food and drink to extract the nutrients we need to sustain life. But the bacteria count needs to be kept in check and not get excessive. Therefore, the health industry strongly suggests we brush our teeth and gums twice a day for two minutes each time and compliment that with flossing. If the bacteria are allowed to build up it will form a clear sticky substance on the teeth called plaque. This plaque harbors sugars and acids that will attack the enamel of the tooth resulting in decay and cavities. If this same plaque cascades down the tooth below the gumline it will immediately cause an infection in the soft tissue. The gums swell and begin to pull away from the teeth. This is the number one cause of receding gums and can be rectified with treatment.

The second most common cause is the opposite. This is when you brush as requested but are way too aggressive and literally saw away at the soft tissue. This can be corrected as well.

The Treatments Available to Stop Gum Recession

Gum disease, the byproduct of the damaging plaque, can be abated with a deep cleaning. The dentist or hygienist will use a handheld scaling tool to go below the surface of the gum and scrape the plaque off the tooth. The process is manual and deliberate. A local anesthetic will be used to minimize any discomfort. Once the plaque is removed the inflammation will subside within days, the color will return to normal and the receding pockets around the teeth will close back up.

If you have been too aggressive with your brushing, you will be given new instructions to follow and the dentist may introduce a bonding compound to place on the sensitive exposed roots. This tooth colored composite can be shaped and sculpted to protect the root.

The Benefits of Having Healthy Gums

The soft tissue of the gums cannot be regrown. If the recession is bad a grafting procedure can add tissue to give a healthier appearance and to also protect the roots. Good oral hygiene and regularly scheduled dental visits for evaluations can help you be proactive in not only the care of your teeth but your gums as well. A healthy smile is invaluable in complimenting your personality.

More on Receding Gums : Can You Fix Receding Gums?